On May 17, 2023, Japan's four major motorcycle manufacturers announced an ambitious new plan to cooperatively develop hydrogen motorcycle engines. Executives from Honda, Kawasaki, Suzuki and Yamaha met at a press conference in Tokyo to announce the formation of HySE, which stands for "Hydrogen Small Mobility and Engine Technology."
In addition to the four major Japanese motorcycle manufacturers, Kawasaki Heavy Industries Limited and Toyota Motor Corporation will also join HySE as special members. It is important to have these two companies on board, as both KHI and Toyota have independently moved forward with their own hydrogen research in their respective fields. Although HySE is dedicated to engines for motorcycles, it also plans to develop other hydrogen engines for small mobility needs.
Source: https://www.motorcyclesports.net/articles/honda-kawasaki-suzuki-and-yamaha-join-forces-to-make-hydrogen-powered-motorcycles