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What does SMART stand for?

     SM      Self-Monitoring

      A        Analysis

      R        Reporting

      T        Technology

What is the definition of SMART? And what is the Impact of SMART Cities on its Citizens?


One definition:

     SM      Self-Monitoring

      A        Analysis

      R        Reporting

      T        Technology

Another definition

    S    Surveillance

    M    Monitoring

    A    Analysis

    R    Reporting

    T    Technology


SMART meters and SMART thermostats in your house track your energy consumption in real time and allow the energy company to control your temperature inside the house and track your usage without your knowledge -  see Colorado electric company turning down thermostats in private homes winter 2022/23.


SMART water meters give control over your water consumption to the water company. Having a drought (see California) - the water company will allot and turn down your inflow at will. 


SMART intersections with cameras, face recognition and license plate readers that record, analyze, and report where you go, when you go, what time you go, how fast you go. They will track and report your CO2 emission and adjust your social credit score.


A recent analysis from Frost & Sullivan projects that smart cities will spend an estimated $327 billion by 2025.

Here is an important video explaining how surveillance and monitoring will be extended WORLDWIDE and our constitution be ignored in favor of the WHO|video (28:55)

Glenn Beck & Jedediah Bila on how you will be restricted by the WEF global governance|video (4:19)

World Economic Forum plans to use smart devices on air conditioning, TVs, Electric Vehicles so the state can take aggressive action and shut them down when the grid is overloaded |video (1:29)


Whole Foods prepping for the Great Reset with people barred from entry without QR codes |video (0:33)

Julianne Romanello - presentation on Smart Cities and Angel Cushing on the 30x30 Land Grab in the US. Think you are safe in the country?

Presentation in Claremore, OK March 2023. This video is 1:52:09, includes Q&A and it is of vital importance to see what is already happening to our cities and country side.

SMART park in Australia |video (2:45)

Face recognition used in China to allow or deny access to areas of the city |video (0:41)

Shanghai installed City Brain public surveillance system, which oversees millions facial recognition cameras. A combination of satellites, drones, and cameras grab million images a day |video (2:13)

All things "SMART" will be used for a future lockdown - Australia getting ready |video (1:24)

Bianca Wylie, The smart city industry is a Trojan horse for technology companies. They come in under the guise of environmentalism and improving the quality of life, but they’re here for money |video (10:30)

SMART device locks out Utah resident from his SMART home - it's happening!

‘Smart’ Cities Are Surveilled Cities Article:

This article is a MUST read about when everything is connected, the door is open to all kinds of threats - a very good analysis

WEF Governing SMART Cities documents

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