Glossary of Terms
The terms below are some of the words you will hear from politicians, the media, company ads, and while by no means complete will give you an idea of what and why.
Note: Top Ten Buzzwords are denoted by * (Courtesy of Julianne Romanello)
4IR - The Fourth Industrial Revolution
Coined by Klaus Schwab, Chairman of the WEF: "The Fourth Industrial Revolution represents a fundamental change in the way we live, work and relate to one another. It is a new chapter in human development, enabled by extraordinary technology advances commensurate with those of the first, second and third industrial revolutions" Read more on the WEF website
AGENDA 21 & Private Public Partnerships
Agenda 21 is the United Nations' blue print for life in the 21st Century. Also labeled "Framework for Inclusive Capitalism" is the UN's plan of action for a "sustainable" growth. It suggests more government oversight and intervention in the development of cities and reduced choice for individuals. Click here to see a two part presentation.
AI - Artificial Intelligence
AGI - Artificial General Intelligence
AI and AGI are defined as technology that can think humanly, act humanly, think rationally, or act rationally, and learn from past experience. It is a wide-ranging branch of computer science concerned with building smart machines capable of performing tasks that typically require human intelligence.
BRICS is an acronym for five leading economies: Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. The first four were initially grouped as "BRIC" (or "the BRICs") in 2001 by Goldman Sachs economist Jim O'Neill, who coined the term to describe fast-growing economies that would collectively dominate the global economy by 2050; South Africa was added in 2010.
Created by London Mayor Ken Livingstone and Pres Bill Clinton's Climate Change Initiative in 2006, C40 is a global network of mayors of the world’s leading cities that are united in action to confront the climate crisis. From 2021, Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, serves as C40's Chair, former Mayor of New York City Michael Bloomberg as Board President, and Mark Watts as Executive Director.
C40 has 96 member cities. Check out the Website
Climate Action Plan, Chattanooga Climate Action Plan. Read the plans here
Carbon Footprint
Definition: the amount of carbon dioxide or other carbon compounds emitted into the atmosphere by the activities of an individual, company, country, etc.: the carbon footprint of an overseas flight.
See our section on Carbon Footprint/Digital ID
CBDC Central Bank Digital Currency
Virtual money backed and issued by a country's central bank. Replaces a country's fiat money and is not backed by gold; is vulnerable to cyber attacks and denial of service attacks (DDoS); trackable and lacks all privacy. May/will be used to deny purchases, services or access to your account if government deems you are exceeding your carbon footprint or your social credit score is low.
Collaboration *
A model of collective systems alignment, collective impact (using shared language, metrics, goals, etc.), especially concerned with public-private partnershipss (P3s) and Community.
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion
Diversity -
Acknowledges all the ways people differ: race, sex, gender, age, sexual orientation, disability, socioeconomic status, religious beliefs, and more.
Inclusion -
It’s the act of welcoming, supporting, respecting, and valuing all individuals and groups
Equity -
Is often used interchangeably with equality, but there’s a core difference: Where equality is a system in which each individual is offered the same opportunities regardless of circumstance, equity distributes resources based on needs.
Digital ID
A digital ID is a digital way of proving "You are You". Issued by the government it will replace physical IDs, such as drivers licences, passports, etc. Digital Ids require basic biometric information basic to you - your face, your fingerprint, your iris. Digital IDs, like physical IDs are issued by the government. They are stored on electronic devices - a computer or your phone. All the data about you is stored either by the government or the private company contracted by the government. See our page on Digital ID.
Digital Social Credit Score
This system monitors a lot more than your financial savviness.
It involves governmental and financial institutions ranking your everyday behavior – both online and via CCTV monitoring. Essentially, everything from the way you spend your money and behave on social media to the people you associate with would affect your score and whether you are rewarded or punished. See our section on Digital Social Credit
What are the punishments for having a bad social credit score?
The idea of punishing people for not complying with the wishes of the state is clearly alarming, but that’s exactly what happens with a social credit system. While missing a few payments might mean you pay a slightly higher interest rate on borrowing, as is the case with bad credit homeowner loans, social credit takes this to the next level.
The punishments include:
Slower internet connections
Travel restrictions
Banning people from flights
Being barred from getting business-class train tickets
Being refused access to the best hotels
Your children can be banned from higher education
You could be prevented from getting the best jobs
Pets being taken from you
No access to credit
Diversity *
Deliberate disruption of organic patterns of association, an emphasis on identity politics in order to divide and conquer, a justification for human capital scoring.
Equity *
Standardization of outcomes, rationing and redistribution of resources, a justification for data capture and measurement.
Environmental, Social, Governance
An ESG score is a measurement or evaluation of a given company, fund, or security’s performance with respect to Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) issues.
ESG scores tend to incorporate factors that are meaningful across industries – issues like climate change, diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI), and human rights.
ESG Ratings: A Compass without Direction
International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives; created in 1990 by Jeb Brughmann; through the UN, ICLEI became a world-wide organization with the goal of "people acting locally influence international policy." Brughmann states in a 1990 interview: "... so many of the agenda items in Agenda
21 actually cannot ever be implemented without local governments and communities
taking action. So that is what we are about today making sure this agreement among
nations actually will get implemented after all the rhetoric is spent".
Impact *
Any measurable change that can serve as proof of social engineering (for purposes of validating impact investments and pay for success contracts).
Inclusive *
Forced homogenization and access (e.g. a girl's team to accept boys); quotas; subordinating individual rights to the community, stakeholder's interests trump individual concerns.
Innovative *
Conforming to Fourth Revolution technologies (fintech blockchain, automation, etc.) and the digital transformation of all activities.
Leadership *
Commitment to corporate purpose, adoption of marketing firm language, following the playbook or toolkit; group think.
Net Zero
Put simply, ‘net zero’ means that the total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of an organization (or city, or state) are equal to or less than the emissions it removes from the environment.
PPP, P3, 3P
Public Private Partnership refers to a "for profit" organization or company delivering services the government is responsible for. These arrangements typically involve a government agency contracting with a private partner to renovate, construct, operate, maintain, and/or manage a facility or system, in whole or in part, that provides a public service.
Resilient *
Predictive profiling and risk management policies, especially through automation, digital transformation, and standardization (gig work).
As in SMART City, SMART meters, SMART grid, etc.
Surveillance, Monitoring, Analysis, Reporting, Technology
Self-Monitoring, Analysis, Reporting, Technology
Sustainable *
A centralized management and rationing of all resources, especially through 4IR (4th Industrial Revolution) technologies, the prioritization of "future use" and "future benefits" over the present.
The Great Reset/Inclusive Capitalism
Klaus Schwab's (WEF) agenda for a One World Government and a Global technology-driven political structure. China is seen as a role model by the WEF.
Transparency/Accountability *
Track, trace, report, esp. using blockchain technology to create a permanent digital record of all activity, open-data policies.
Ultra Low Emission Zones; areas in a city designated for ultra low emission vehicles; ULEZ cameras record images of your car's documentation to see what kind of emissions the vehicle produces; if your vehicle does not qualify, a fine is levied against you. (Note: as of August 29, 2023 99% of London vehicle owners will have to pay a daily fine of £12.50)
World Economic Forum, a self-appointed group of elites founded by Klaus Schwab, with a goal to supersede autonomous, sovereign powers of countries, states, and local governments.
World Health Organization, pushing global treaties to be the de-facto authority to declare health, climate and other emergencies. Plans include global vaccination mandates, global digital currency, global surveillance to ensure adherence to the Great Reset.
The Pentagon is creating a road map for Zero-Trust Internet Access by 2027. Zero trust culture requires every person within a network to assume that it is already compromised and requires all users to prove their identities at all times.
While these various technologies can be used to implement this basic premise, it essentially means that “users are granted access to only the data they need and when needed.”