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Meetings and Videos

September 19, 2024


The Tennessee Valley Republican Women's (TVRW) group is generously offering their meeting space at their American Patriot Store for our next meeting - AND - will be providing a spaghetti dinner!


We are still lining up speakers but this will be an opportunity for you to meet and to share your local involvement and concerns in a social setting.



Thursday, September 19, 2024 at 6 pm
TVRW American Patriot Store


3701 Ringgold Rd, East Ridge. TN

Store Tel #: 423-521-5002


You will have an opportunity to check the store's merchandise - yard signs, shirts, hats, and much more.




October 10, 2023


Thank you for joining us at our meeting on Tuesday, October 10, 2023. Video available on YT


Paul Scates, who presented on September 25 on "Climate Emergency - The Big Lie" build on that topic and delved into "The 15 Minute City" to "connect the dots" of all the changes you are seeing - rezoning, surveillance, and much more.

September 25, 2023


Thank you for coming to this special meeting, where Paul Scates presented an important and very informative talk on "Climate Emergency - The Big Lie". The videos are available on YouTube here


Paul also provided us with a Recommended Reading List on Climate Change

Confessions of a Greenpeace Dropout - The Making of a Sensible Environmentalist, Dr. Patrick Moore (2010)


Fake Invisible Catastrophes and Threats of Doom, Dr. Patrick Moore (2021)


Man-caused Global Warming - The Biggest Deception in History, Dr. Tim Ball (2016)


Hot Talk, Cold Science, Dr. S. Fred Singer (1997; 2021)


The Delinquent Teenager Who Was Mistaken for the World's Top Climate Expert, (IPCC Audit and Expose), Donna Laframboise (2011)


Inconvenient Facts - The Science that Al Gore Doesn't Want You to Know, Gregory Wrightstone (2017)


Climate Change: A Convenient Truth, Jim Hollingsworth (2019)


Climate change: What They Rarely Teach in College, Stephen Einhorn (2023)


False Alarm: How Climate Change Panic Costs Us Trillions, Hurts the Poor, and Fails to Fix the Planet, Bjorn Lomborg (2021)


Global Warming: The Great Deception, Guy K. Mitchell, Jr. (2022)


Behind the Green Mask, R. Koire


State of Fear, Michael Crichton




September 11, 2023


We had a good crowd of citizens and a lively discussion this past Monday, and no thunderstorms!

The agenda included a short video of Katie Hopkins' SMART / 15 Minute City in action, in Oxford England. The main presentation was an analysis of Mayor Kelly’s preamble, which was added after citizens expressed their concerns of the CAP. We showed sections of the plan that despite preamble assurances clearly point out reasons why we must stop this agenda.


You can find the videos of the meeting on YouTube here


August 28, 2023

Thank you for coming to our first planning meeting on August 28, 23. It was a stormy night, quite indicative of the stormy times we are living in.


Thank you to the True Life Center for providing the space. Thank you to the presenters, Mike Deming and Rick Walser, and the volunteers that prepared and did the many tasks necessary.


We were thrilled to see Lee Helton, County Commissioner for District 3 attend the meeting. We also had the pleasure to welcome the author of the American Thinker article "Chattanooga Goes Brave New World", Paul E. Scates. Paul has also agreed to present at our next meeting on September 25 (postponed from September 11).


Here are the videos:

Part 1 - Intro and CAP objectives
Part 2 -  CAP objectives 
Part 3 -  Action Plan

Please contact us if you would like us to send you the Powerpoint Presentation slides.

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